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Getting Started: How To Find Law Society Discipline Decisions

CanLII and Lexis+™ Canada Availability of Law Societies Discipline Decisions

Province Name CanLII Lexis+™ Canada
Ontario Law Society of Ontario 1991 - 2005 (partial coverage)
2006 - present
Jan. 1991 - present
British Columbia Law Society of British Columbia 2003 - present April 1991 - present
Alberta Law Society of Alberta 2006 (partial coverage)
2007 - present
Feb. 1994 - present
Saskatchewan Law Society of Saskatchewan  2010 - present Mar. 1991 - present
Manitoba Law Society of Manitoba 1993 - 2005 (partial coverage)
2006 - present
Feb. 1991 - 2006
Quebec Barreau du Québec 1998 - 2001 (partial coverage)
2002 - present
Jan. 1991 - May 2001
New Brunswick Law Society of New Brunswick 1999 - present None
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia's Barristers' Society 1993 - present Feb. 1993 - Apr. 2004
Prince Edward Island Law Society of Prince Edward Island None Dec. 1991 - Oct. 1994
(1 decision from 2001)
Newfoundland & Labrador Law Society of Newfoundland & Labrador 1980 - 1987 (partial coverage)
1988 - present
Northwest Territories Law Society of the Northwest Territories 1979 - 1988 (partial coverage)
1989 - 2016
Aug. 1993 - Jan. 2001
Yukon Law Society of Yukon None (1 decision dated Jul. 1988)
Nunavut Law Society of Nunavut  2019+ None