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On The Web: Where to Find Canadian Legislation

Canada Gazette

The online version of the three-part official newspaper of the Government of Canada provides access to enacted regulations, orders-in-council, proposed legislation, and other recent legislative enactments and amendments. For more on the different parts of the Canada Gazette, and what is included in each, look to our blog post A Lesson in Anatomy: The Canada Gazette.

The online PDF format of the Canada Gazette is official as of April 1, 2003, the first official issue of Part I being published on April 5, Part II on April 9, and Part III on the next publication date. 

The online and paper versions are published simultaneously. Also available are Canada Gazette Archives containing issues of the Canada Gazette parts I,II & III published from 1841-1997. For more on how to search the Canada Gazette Archives, look to our blog post Finding Archived Canada Gazette Material Online.