If you want to learn more about any of your results, click anywhere in the box on the results page.
Click through the images in the following pages to learn more about what information the record tells you.
The Brief Results page displays all of the items that match your search query. For each item, the following information displays:
If the resource is available online, the View Online section tells you where you can access the full text. For databases, make sure you check the available date range under the title.
Send To functions allow you to email an item, print an item, export your results in Excel and create citations or persistent links.
Before including the citations in your work, you are recommended to check the accuracy and edit the citations by referring to the relevant citation style manual.
Persistent links (also called permalinks, stable URLs, or durable URLs) are web addresses that remain consistent and do not change over time, allowing you and others to consistently access online content. Clicking on the permalink button will provide a persistent link for you to copy and paste anywhere.
If the resource is available in print, the Find It section tells you the library location with the call number.
Item information indicates library location, call number, copies and volumes held, and/or retention notes.
About This Item view provides a full labelled display for most fields in the record.
Some resources have a Links section. Often, this will just have the source record which is only relevant to the librarians (or the curious). Sometimes it will have other links out, such as the table of contents, item in Google Books or Amazon, and more.
The Virtual Browse section lets you see what is next to or near the resource on the actual shelf in the library!
Click the Pin button next to the item that you want to save in the search favorite results during your search session.
Favorite search results are not retained between browser sessions.