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Research 101: How to Use InfoLocate

Search, find and discover in InfoLocate, our library catalogue.

What are Search Filters?

Search filters, otherwise known as "facets", allow you to narrow the search results to get the results you are seeking. For example, you can filter your results to include only CPD articles from AccessCLE or books the Great Library owns. The search filters are on the right side of the browser when searching, and the top of the column says "Filter my results". 

Types of Filters

The Online Availability filters allow you to narrow your results to items that are:

  1. Online Law Society CLE Articles
  2. Online Resources that are available online while in-library, such as e-books, e-journals or websites




When you want to limit your results to just books, serials, loose-leafs or something else, use the Resource Type filter. The filter automatically displays the five resource types with the most results. You can click "Show More" if what you're looking for isn't automatically displayed.


Refining by Publication Date can be useful for limiting your results to the most recent results in Infolocate, or if you are looking for specific versions or editions. 

Use the Library filter when you want to limit your results to items located at a particular library.

The Author filter allows you to narrow your results by either including or excluding specific authors. 

The Subject filters allow you to narrow your results by either including or excluding specific topics. 

The Language filter narrows your search to materials published in certain languages.

Including and Excluding

When facets are added one at a time, the system returns the remaining results that match the selected facet value.

Filter My Results section on the Brief Results Page

  1. For each facet that you want to include and exclude, hover over the facet in the Filter My Results section and then perform one of the following actions:

    • Include facet – Select the check box on the left side of the facet. If you want to include a facet that has already been marked for exclusion, click the IncludeFacetIcon.png button on the right side of the facet.

    • Exclude facet – If you have already included a facet, click the ExcludeFacetIcon.png button on the right side of the facet to mark it for exclusion. If you have not already marked a facet for exclusion or inclusion, you must first select the facet's check box and then click the ExcludeFacetIcon.png button on the right side of the facet. Otherwise, a single facet will be excluded immediately.

  2. Click Apply Filters to filter your results. The selected facets will appear in the Active filters section.

    Active Filters Section

Persistent Facets

When performing many similar types of searches, you may want to retain your filters for subsequent searches within a search session.

To make a facet persistent, hover the cursor over the facet in the Active filters section and then click the facet's padlock PadlockIcon.png.

You can make all your active filters persistent by clicking "Remember all filters".