The website of the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs provides access to all decisions of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal (former Federal Court of Canada) published in full text or as digests in the Federal Courts Reports (F.C.R.) since 1993. Decisions of its predecessor, the Exchequer Court of Canada, are also available in the language they were rendered back to 1875. Reported cases normally appear in the printed version of F.C.R. some six months after being handed down. Also available is information on appeals from decisions of the Federal Courts since 1999.
The Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal publish recent decisions on their official websites, as well as decisions rendered since 1995 and 1996 respectively.
Note: Beginning with [2007], Volume 4, Part 1, full volumes of the FCR are available, including numerous value-added features such as a side by side (French and English) layout, the contents of the volume, and lists of statutes, regulations and cases cited in the volume.